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GRINGO JIU JITSU!: Top 10 Reasons to train MMA / Jiu jitsu in Brazil!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Top 10 Reasons to train MMA / Jiu jitsu in Brazil!

I have had the privilege to live, work, play, and train in Brazil the last 4 years. I would not trade this experience for nothing. I am pissed that I did not step out of my comfort zone and pursue this much earlier in my life. I wanted to write an article that might help push some of you to give it a try…a choice I know you wont regret.Here are the top 10 reasons you should get out of your comfort zone and come to Brazil…even if just for a week. (List was compiled by a survey of gringos who had taken the plunge and do not necessarily reflect the authors opinion. Especially since the author is monogamous family man and in love and knows nothing of numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.....I love you baby;-))

  1. The women

  2. The technique is still years ahead, especially in gi. I think in the no gi arena, the west coast may have caught up with Brazil, or even surpassed it, but as far as the with gi techniques, they are still way ahead.

  3. The women

  4. Many more purple, brown, and black belts to roll with. Imagine having at least a dozen of the afore mentioned in every class.

  5. The women

  6. The cost of living and training is super cheap. At one Rocian Gracie academy I was paying around $25 dollars a month and was training 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day!

  7. The women

  8. Easy to meet, hang out with, and rub shoulders with people we consider superstars and legends in the USA. I have personally hung out with many but most enjoyable was training and lunches I had with Vitor Belfort. Very cool guy!

  9. The women

10. The pace of life and the people there are so enjoyable. I have been in 13 countries around the world and Brazil and its people are truly Paradise! Feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do to encourage you to give it a try or help you to do it!

This is me and my instructor from Gracie Pompei after I won a silver medal at a BJJ tourny in Sao Paulo, Brazil.