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Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am so excited

About all you guys who are actually getting motivated enough to go to Brazil! You will not regret it. I got this email April 26th.

"I want to thank you for your ebook. I enjoyed it and found the information invaluable. I also was inspired as I found a flight for $520.00 and booked it. I also applied for a visa. I will be in Brazil in September." Martin L. (Texas)

Martin, I may be back there in Sept. myself....I'll keep you up to date....maybe we'll hit the mat together and go have a drink. Please take notes and pictures and share them here on the blog when you get home so others will be inspired to "Do It In Brazil"!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Proud of this guy! More need to "Do It in Brazil"

Got an email from one of my Ebook clients this morning. It made my day. Out of the hundreds of ebooks I've sold, I can count on one hand the actual guys that have done will change your life........I wish more would. Kyle bought the book back in Sept. and here is the email I got today.

"Hey Bro, Although we never got a chance to chat, I did want to let you know that I am "doing it in Brasil", and writing from Rio right now. I'm training at BTT, and wanted to thank-you for your e-book.



PS - The ass is fantabulous."

Thats awesome Kyle! Proud of you bro. And I hope you write something for the blog and include some photos of your training as well as that "fantabulous"