Well, its been a while since I've been on here. I've been super busy. Running four money making machines, being a family man, and trying to find time to train has left little time to keep up to date here. But I think I'm getting a little better time management skill now.
First my apologies to Sebastian and the BA Gracie Team. I am having a lot of software problems and still have not got the video footage of their school up yet. I am working on it still brothers. Very soon.
Im in the D.C. airport right now, on my way back to Brazil for 8 days of training! Meeting Pro fighter Aaron Steele and going to show him around. I'm so excited. I appreciate all of you who have been buying the ebook even though its outdated a bit. I am going to do a bunch of updates on it over the next 8 days and ad some videos to youtube I hope to compliment it. Any of you who already bought it will get the updated version for free once completed (as you know).
Good training and come back for the updates.