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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Ebook

The link to the right for ordering the discounted book has not been working for some time. I still get orders every month from other sources. I am still in shock about how much you guys love this Thank you so much for being so loyal. I am going to get the link working again here shortly.

I have been busy with other career pursuits as well raising kids and getting married. I haven't posted on the blog (though I've kept in touch with those who purchased the book) in over a year and yet it still receives orders and is still #2 on googles search engine.

I guess thats a sign that there is a demand, you guys want this info, and I need to update it.

For now, shoot me an email at if you want to stay informed or place an order.

Please click on one of the supports the blog and the advertisers deserve a chance to earn your business.

Thanks so much for all your support.