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GRINGO JIU JITSU!: Ok, the book deal gets even better! I messed up, you get rewarded! 66% off now!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ok, the book deal gets even better! I messed up, you get rewarded! 66% off now!

The post below from last week says I'll give you the ebook for 50% off.....$15! I created the paypal button to the right, and set it at $10. Several people have paid, and I can't go back and request the difference, nor can I have them telling others they got it for $10 off my website when I'm now charging $15. what the heck..........for at least the next 20 I'll leave it at $10. But then I got to rethink it. So if you've been tempted, you better do it now! Thanks guys.

Update 11/06/07 7:16 A.M. - Its only been 8 hours since I started this post and there are only 17 left at this price.........

Update 11/28/07 11:36 A.M. - 12 left at this price................