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Saturday, October 20, 2007

UFC Weigh Ins!

So I just got back from Argentina and will post video and update on that later. But I am going to be at the UFC all weekend in Cincinnati, OH. Last night I was able to go to the weigh ins! Wow! Super high energy and I would estimate the crowd as more than 3k the freakin weigh in! Josh Burkman was the only one who didnt make weight at first.....but he came back about a half hour after the crowd had left, and made the cut.

The crowd went crazy for home town boys Jorge Gurgel and Rich Franklin. They began booing Anderson Silva as he made his weigh to the scales. Rich Franklin began to shake his head "NO" and telling the crowd not to boo but to cheer the champ on the jumbotron screens......about half the crowd changed to cheers while the other half continued to boo....a deafinin mix!

Many fighters on hand to run into as you can see in the pics. Got to talk to Jens Pulver again. I first met him at the Arnold Classic about 5 or 7 years ago. He was so approachable and cool it was unbelievable. .....and I found the same thing about him yesterday. Cant say that about everyone in the photos with me....ha ha.....!

Probably the guy working hardest to be with the fans the whole day was Alexander Houston. Bro, you won me as a fan, you keep fighting the way you do, and treating us fans like you do, then you are gonna blow up huge! Thanks!